New Album
The Lullabeats:
Best of bedtime & playtime
Your favorite tunes, now in lullabies
Lullabies may be the most primal form of music, possibly originating back to the ancient time in human evolution when we first needed to care for infants who are born in an essentially helpless state.
Best Selections
"Music for Babies" est une collection d'interviews qui explore les différentes manières dont la musique peut renforcer les liens entre les parents et leurs bébés 🎶🍼
Karine André est une coach sportive, passionnée de musique et wonder maman de 2 petits garçons.
“Music For Babies” is a collection of interviews exploring how music can strengthen the bond between Parents and their babies 🎶🍼
Karine André is a sports coach, passionate about music, and a wonder mom of 2 little boys.